
Saturday, 24 December 2011

Snowdrops by A.D. Miller

Short listed for the booker prize 2011. I'm not sure what I expected from this but it wasn't what I thought it would be. Very good at creating a tawdry, cheap and corrupt atmosphere, this novel makes you feel like you've sullied your hands just by picking it up.

The books starts by the narrator, Nick, beginning a 'letter' (the book) to someone. You don't know who the someone is, but suspect a woman, and none of the details linking Nick to this woman are known until well over half way through the book. However most of the details of Nick's story involves a Russian woman that's he falls madly in love with, and he into great detail about this affair, which you can't help but feel is unwise if he is writing to another woman. Who is the mystery woman, and why do feel that the Russian woman is a bad 'un even though you can't put your finger on why?

I did feel I wanted to shake Nick. He is a slave to parts of is anatomy which don't have a brain. He sort of knows he is getting into a bad situation, but he doesn't really care- as if he is slightly bored, and quite likes being naughty. The fatalism of Nick and his anatomy is quite annoying at times. He appears to have no will at all, but claims to have one of the happiest days/nights of his life with his Russain lady; he closes his eyes to the obvious manipulation of his Russain companions, and the fear around him. You know there will be tears before bedtime. By the end of the book I despised him.

I did like the description of the descent into Russian winter. The cold is dangerous, beautiful, and mirrors Nick's diminishing sense of free will.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

The Winter Book

Reading this book, like the Summer Book by the same author, leaves you with a feeling of being covered with a soft snowy blanket, blocking out noise and busyness. This book is actually set in winter and summer, split into three sections with the middle section set in summer. I felt 'summer' should perhaps have stayed with the Summer Book, however it did add a sense of the year turning, of seasons. Winter melts into summer and in turn freezes into winter again.

 Winter on the author's island is harsh and isolated. A handful of stories particularly resonated with me because to me they demonstrated pure imagination and atmosphere, reminiscent of the Moomin stories for which the author became well known.

'Snow' is about the author as a young girl, house sitting with her mother. It's not clear why they are in the house, possibly so that her artist mother can paint in peace and quiet. The girl feels suffocated by the isolation in the house and the snowstorm which seems to eventually cove the entire house. The girl imagines that the house is entirely covered to the rooftop, causing it to tip over, disorientating the senses. 

Another story of complete imagination is 'Flying', where the narrator, again as a girl, imagines everyone in the village has developed the ability to fly. Neighbours have rooftop tea, and the little girl worries about what will happen if everyone loses their ability to fly. But she lives in the moment and she soars above the houses with friends and animals.

 The 'Squirrel' is a tale told by the narrator as an elderly woman, isolated on her island home with winter coming, making preparations around the home. She shares her home and space with a squirrel, almost becoming obsessed with it but becoming angry at its unpredictable wildness. These are stories essentially about life and growing old and the demands of these on our minds and bodies. Sometimes the stories are not easy reading but these and those stories of 'The Summer Book' lurk in the memory long after the covers are closed.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Promoting yourself - Thing 21 (cpd 23 Things)

I'm really dreadful at promoting myself, and interviews are the worst of all. I have background in careers, so I know all the stuff about how to match your skills and experience to a job spec and person spec. I was once told that by the time you get to an interview, the panel already thinks you could do the job, it's just how things go on the day.

 And sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you prepare, it's just how the chemistry pans out. I really think this is true. Those first impressions are all important, and more important than we would like. A paper application doesn't get our personality over and sometimes it comes down to this. I was once on an interview panel where the person in charge of hiring didn't hire someone because they thought that person would be talk back too much.

 If you want the basics of how to get your foot in the door of an interview panel, I think the Wikiman does this pretty well but after that, half of success is hitting the interview criteria - which I Wikiman also covers well, but the other half is what you could call gut instinct of the panel. Also, panels are not created equal. Sometimes there will be one member who has the final say, no matter if the others agree on a candidate. If the final say doesn't agree, that candidate won't get the job.

I'm not saying all this to give the impressions that theres no hope, but it does mean that sometimes it doesn't matter how well you prepare, or how well you suit the job, it just won't work out on the day, and it won't be your fault. Being turned down for a job can really shatter your confidence, so take heart that it's not always you- sometimes it's them. Learn from it, and move on.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Library routes/roots - Thing 20 (cpd 23 Things)

As part of the library routes/rootes project, this Thing is to add my route into the information profession and add my blog link to the page:

So here goes:

2000 - part time careers information role at De Montfort University, which became full time as I took on other responsibilities.

2004-2009 - worked as Senior Information Assistant , part-time, evening, in the academic library at DMU.

2008 - completed MSc Information and Library Studies distance learning with Robert Gordon University.

2010 - my role at DMU became information and communications officer, a refocusing of my role which was now to work with staff as well in planning information related activities throughout through the year.

2011- role was made redundant, and I became a research assistant in the faculty of Health and Life Sciences at De Montfort. This role allows me to use information skills in an academic environment.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Prezi and image capture - Thing 17 (cpd 23 Things)

Until very recently I hadn't come across Prezi or seen now it works. I like to see work by others in Prezi but so far haven't used it myself. I do think that, like everything, Prezi needs to be used in balance. PowerPoint has been overused, but I think Prezi could get to be just as annoying if it isn't used carefully. That said, I will be taking some time to get to grips with Prezi as it's another useful tool. Most usefully for me, it may be used as a mind-mapping tool, head for personal projects as well as the usual presentation aid. Something else which is capturing the imagination of late are infographics - I've seen these popping up in the most unusual places, and am keen to try and use this as well.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Jing/podcasts/screen capture- Thing 18 (cpd 23 Things)

I've not done a great deal of this personally, but I have been involved in the production of podcasts. Professional sounding pod cats done in a studio take a while to do and even longer editing. If there's an easier way to do podcasting this would be great!

 I like the idea of screen capturing tools, and jing being the one mentioned in 23 Things amongst other things, seems like a good solution, relatively easy to use. Not being aware of these tools before, I've done some very basic instruction sheets before on Word functionality for colleagues. Screen capturing tools are a definite upmarket improvement on this and worth remembering for next time I need to show a colleague how to do something!

 The only thing to mremember with these tools I think is to keep them short. I think several minutes is actually too long and I've seen many cases where podcasts are ten minutes or longer. If these are especially aimed at college / HE students then they need to be short and sweet. Personally I've never clicked on a podcast or video which is longer than eight minutes, at an absolute push (and only if it's something I really need).

Advocacy and publishing - Thing 16 (cpd 23 Things)

We all do advocacy in different ways. Sometimes it's verbally representing ours organisations or libraries, and others are more public about it. In think we med both. I think we can all do a litle bit if we think creatively enough.

 Recently I've become involved in a bibliotherapy group. The attendees of this group wouldn't know that is what this is, but it is. This particular group uses poetry as it's focus. There are groups all over the country using literature in all its forms as a means to help people feel better, connect with libraries, literature, each other, and go home feeling better. This is what happens with this group. We meet once a week and talk about a poem, maybe two or three, and see where it leads us. It leads some members to some dark places where they can talk about problems, illness, mental health, depression, coping with day to day living, and feel supported. It's a safe place where members come together and where a lot of laughter happens: everyone goes home feeling better.

 All this as a result of reading a poem. It's not really important that the reading is a poem - it just happens to be what the group is used to, and it provides a springboard for discussion and for everyone to talk about how they relate to the piece and find common ground. All this as a result of meeting in a library once a week, away from problems and away from other distractions.

Our libraries make us feel better.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Seminars, conferences and other events - Thing 15 (cpd 23 Things)

Conference.  A word to strike fear into the hearts of those who don't like to make small talk.  I think there are more of those who would care to admit it, judging by the numbers of people who go to conferences with a colleague.  And in my shame I"m afraid to say that at the last conference I went to, I did seek out some people who I knew and ended up standing in a space that was supposed to pass as a garden talking about the new series of Midsomer Murders starting that evening, and was it worth missing the last session in order to get home for it?  I didn't admit that I had never seen it.  

Possibly this means that the conference wasn't very interesting?  


I went to a few conferences in my former life as a careers information officer, but have never presented myself.  I've read many accounts of professionals who urge that whatever your professional position, you can contribute something, but I've never felt sure about this.  The service I previously worked at, in all honesty, offered little possibility of innovative practice (too little money) and I now don't work in the information profession officially.  It's been a while since I've been to a conference of any type.  In any case, I hope that one day I'll be in a position to feel I have something to speak about in which others would be interested.  

I''m hoping that I can expand my research literacy knowledge by attending seminars about research practice at some point.  I find this interesting because I can look at research from both ends of the spectrum - as an information professional and as a researcher.  

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Referencing Tools - Thing 14 (cpd 23 Things)

Thing 14 talks about referencing tools, namely freely available downloads such as Zotero, Mendeley and Citeulike. I've not used these myself but have read some comments from those who have, and my impression is that there is no one perfect solution for free reference management but you may find that one of these fits your particular need.

In my day to day work I use RefWorks as this is the tool used by my institution. It works well and makes my job easier and quicker -I handle a large number of references whilst working on a different potential and current research projects. Using Refworks means that I can collate all my references and go back to them at any time, insert them in documents and produce lists of articles of interest for the senior researchers.

I wasn't completely enamoured with Refworks initially. I used Endnote when I wrote my Masters dissertation and found this to be far more intuitive to use (one of my pet hates is reading instruction manuals, so anything I can use by just 'figuring it out' gets my vote!). In contrast, I found Refworks clunky and I needed to use the help menu, even though I was familiar with how a referencing system worked.

What saved Refworks for me was the fact that there is a compatible web based version in which you can create an account, and then import or export references with your desktop version of Refworks. This is great when working at home as it means I can import or export all my refences to one place and I don't have to be using my work PC. The web based version is also free.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Google docs, wikis and dropbox - Thing 13 (cpd 23 Things)

Google docs and Dropbox

I've not used these before and I can already see huge potential for the role I'm currently in. I've just finished working on a collaborative project which involved constant emailing of updated versions with subject headings in capital letters of 'LATEST VERSION'! Using something like google docs or dropbox would have saved this particular headache, and I was already starting to think along these lines, which would have been so much easier.

The challenge: changing the way academics work. Some academics are not technical friendly and would find the hassle of having to remember another login just a bridge too far, and I can see how in the course of a very busy day it can seem like having to create another account and keep track of another login (who can remember them all anyway?) this would be too much. I think the benefits outweigh the initial 'getting to grips' with a new system, so I'll work on selling document sharing to some of my colleagues.


I've used wikis set up by others for projects before, eg. I've participated in the library routes project, and used it for work before but not set one up myself. I'll be looking for ways these can be used in academic research.

I think all in all, technology is underused is research, so it's really interesting to try and find new ways, or even trying to establish some basic ways that technology can be used. It's quite exciting!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Social Networking - Thing 12 (cpd 23 Things)

I'm guessing even the most unenthusiastic social networker uses social networks.   I know people who don't know how to text and refuse to learn.  Perhaps they don't need to.  They do use email prolifically though, so what's the step from emailing to social networking?   I wonder what's that little push?

I don't actively use facebook, but I do keep an eye on posts that come directly to me.  I can see that there's benefit in using these online networks, and I'm slowly building up my professional network which is really important to me.  Online networking is really my only link with what's happening in libraryland, and it's the only place I get to hear about what other info and library people are talking about.  

There is a down side, though.  I love my friends, but I don't really need to know that they are suffering from a hangover.  This is the thing I dislike about social networking.  I've seen ex-colleagues talking about clients on their facebook page.  I've seen people talking about a colleague they share an office with on Twitter.  You all know that this is a complete no-no, and yet when there is just you and your keyboard/phone you think that the person you're talking about will never see your comments.  And I don't think I will ever be able to bring myself to list what I've had for breakfast.  Also, for me personally, I hate swearing.

Once you put something out on social media it pretty much stays there... that's one to think about.  

Social media has brought me into contact with loads of people I wouldn't otherwise have come into contact with, and would have had no way of coming into contact with.  That's quite mind-blowing when you sit down and start to think about it.  I've had contact with people who are sleeping right now because of time-zones. It makes staying in touch easier than it's ever been, although online contacts are very different to any other kind of 'relationship'.  It's different mind-set, a different groove.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Mentoring - Thing 11 (cpd 23 Things)

The only experience I've had of mentoring so far is being mentored for charterhsip. My mentor was someone I knew of beforehand, but I didn't known very well. It's been useful to have someone with experience to bounce ideas off, and good to talk over little niggling problems. The only down side of the experience is that, being manically busy in an academic library, it can be really hard to get an appointment to see her - it once took me four months! So, my mentoring log is quite a short one!

I think having a mentor of some kind is a great thing anyway, and need not be related to something like chartering. Someone who has experience of the working world and can give you a different perspective sometimes. This doesn't have to be someone in your industry, just someone who understands the problems you might face, and these are often more universal than you might think; problems with colleagues, projects, office politics are all problems everyone faces at some point, regardless of where they work.

My sort of unofficial personal mentor is my other half - he has loads of experience working in offices of all kinds, and being freelance, of organisations and office cultures of all kinds. Any problem I face, he has faced it already: sometimes we face the same problem at the same time and we act as a sounding board.

The good thing about having someone to discuss all these things with makes you realise that you are not alone in the issues you face at work, on then other hand, you might say that these things never go away...

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Professional Development - Thing 10 (cpd 23 Things)

I have paid at least some of my dues in the professional development department.  A couple of years ago I finished an MSc in Library and Information Studies gained with The Robert Gordon University.  I chose this course as many others do because I could do it whilst working and it is accredited by CILIP.  I was working at the time in an information role already but wanted to improve on my professional qualifications.  I also worked a late evening every week in an academic library.  

To be honest, I wouldn't advocate doing it this way -working full time plus part time job plus study did not make a good combination - I had no life for three years and I was exhausted after the first year.  However I was delighted to finally finish and receive my MSc with distinction.  I did have a lovely supportive partner who shoved food and cups of tea under my nose occasionally, but if you're thinking of studying along with a demanding full time job (I used to do additional evenings/Saturdays at certain times of the year), think about how you're going to cope with the sheer amount of work you have to put in, and with the  likelihood of having to take quite a chunk of your personal leave as study time.

What I'm saying is this - don't do it unless you really, really want to.

The MSc didn't really help me with my library/information career to be honest.  There are so many people out there with library qualifications now, I think experience count more.  Employers have their pock of library qualified people.  Having said that, having done my own research was a definite plus when it came to my current role - I've have a good solid understanding of how research works and is carried out.

I'm now attempting to charter, which as I've said before elsewhere on this blog, is a challenge when you're not in a traditional library role.  I'm hoping that the chartership board will be keeping an open mind when it comes to the variation of information roles out there!  I think this variation will become more common in this economic climate, and qualified librarians have to look at roles which they perhaps wouldn't have considered a few years ago.  It's taken me a while, but I think I may see light at the end of the tunnel...

Evernote - Thing 9 (cpd 23 Things)

Yay, now we're onto something I know about.  I do like Evernote, and I started using it a little while ago.  I used to use notebooks (although I still do, just in a different way to my everyday "I want to remember that' kind of way).  But now I get to file away everything I want to make a note of all in one place, and I can tag, sort, rearrange, deleter, add to, edit and view to my heart's content.   Notes, web pages, URLs, pictures, whatever you want can go into Evernote.

I've converted a few other people too, who are all finding it useful.  And you can take it with you wherever you have access to a PC, or use it on your iPhone or ipad with the apps for those machines.  Syncing makes it seamless.  In short, it's great.  Try it if you haven't already!

My cats

I wondered what sort of image I should upload as my first photo, and it was no competition really.  These are my cats.   The ginger and white one knows he's beautiful, but the black and white one is just as adorable.  Their names?  Willoughby and Martha.  

Monday, 1 August 2011

Librarians doing it wrong

Girl in the Moon's blog ( ) highlighted a post from Social justice librarian recently about a bad experience in an academic library.  See also

As a researcher who has trained and worked in an academic library, I have to agree with the perception that sometimes the antiquated system just does not work.  Many of the articles I need are not available on our databases as it's geared up for undergrads.  Sometimes the frustration is off-putting when dealing with library systems, because past experience has shown that whatever query you're about to undertake might not result in the required item being obtained.

I don't really understand the comments on these articles where the researcher is being criticised for not immediately speaking to a member of the library staff.  Wherever you go these days, you are being urged to use automated systems.  So it's the consumer's fault when they don't work?  Having found that the automated system you're using can't give you the answer you're looking for, you then have to spend twice as long joining a queue to speak to someone - I can completely understand that there are reasons that this might not happen: lack of time being a main one.  Plus you've already lost confidence in the service you're trying to access by that time.  We can't criticise users for complaining about not speaking to staff when the front line service is online or automated - it's like putting your bank details into a cash machine and then having to go inside and get a member of staff of to give you your cash.

I really try and advocate libraries - in life generally and in academia.  Many of my academic colleagues have, shall we say, a negative view of the library because it can't deliver in more ways than one.  It's a colossal effort to advocate libraries when I have experienced shortcomings myself as an academic researcher.

It's not going to do anyone any favours criticising the users for the way they are using, and being encouraged to use, the academic libraries.

Stephanie Plum

Stephanie Plum is the frothy coffee of the literature world: indulgent, addictive, and you want to eat cake with it. I love these utter madcap and playful novels by Janet Evanovich about a new jersey bounty hunter. I've just finished number instalment number 17 and am now waiting for number 18, due out in November. Laugh out loud moments make these romps pure pleasure to read. There's still time to catch up if you haven't yet discovered Stephanie, the two men in her life and her granny.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Google calendar - Thing 8 (cpd 23 Things)

So here's the thing. I've not actually used Google calendar myself, so I thought I'd do some reading around and find out what some other folks have thought about it. As a sharing calendar tool the potential for this can be pretty good. I've come across some not great comments though, and for some the prospect of keeping another calendar up to date along with other calendars is not a great lure. At the moment I am one of those who thinks the benefits of this particular tool may not be huge for me personally at this particular point in time but I will be looking out for opportunities to use this.

In my previous role I think I could have made really good use of this, but I just don't do any collaborative work of this nature at the moment. Most of my colleagues don't even use outlook for anything other than an email service, let along any other web-based tools. I know some people outside of work use the calendar if using Apple tools as it keeps things consistent.

Personally, I struggle to keep my personal calendar, my iPhone and my outlook up to date- my workplace uses outlook and they don't allow syncing with personal iPhones so I have to do this separately.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Face to Face networks - Thing 7 (cpd 23 Things)

Most of my networking has been done in specific areas of information management - for example, my last role was in careers information, so I was part of a regional network.  It was useful to find out what others were doing in the region's services, and thinking about where the service I worked for ought to be going. 

I'm now part of the CILIP chartering group (which is actually an online network, so I guess it doesn't really count!)  but I do find that useful.  I keep an eye on that for any group meetings, but so far have just had access to the email group.  I've also built up a relationship with my mentor, whom I didn't know very well before chartering, and she has been very supportive despite a heavy workload. 

As haven't so far come across a group for librarians working in alternative roles - perhaps there aren't enough of them yet, or perhaps there are simply too many 'alternative' roles to make such as thing practical.  I'd be interested to hear what others think.

Online Networking - Thing 6 (cpd 23 Things)

Online networks are vital resources these days - even more so for those people like myself who work on their own a lot, or are removed somehow from their professional group. This doesn't necessarily mean that I like it.  I often find online networking a bit of a chore, and the last thing I want to do at the end of a long day looking at a PC is to go home and log onto a PC.  So, I see the value of it but I do it reluctantly, a little at a time. 

This Thing has asked us to look at some well known online networks and comment on our experience on them, or lack of.  Here goes...

I do use LinkedIn, and it is fairly up to date, although I can't say that it has been useful professionally as yet.  there's hope, though.  I probably need to be a bit more active on it.

I'm really naughty here - I don't bother with Facebook unless someone sends me something on it.  I know that  lot of my friends and contacts use it endlessly, but I just find it too time consuming, and a bit cumbersome.  I find myself going round in circles, coming across people's comments about what they had for tea, then I get bored.  And frankly, what people are doing right now are often less than riveting.  And again, (I've said this before) I do get concerned about the amount of personal information available - you can easily in many cases find out where someone works, their email, where they live, etc.  And why do people think it's fine to announce they are leaving their house and going to Marbella for two weeks (hello burglar) but wouldn't put a notice to that effect on their front door?  Do they forget that the whole world can see this stuff? 

I'm so sorry, I went into rant mode there.

I am a member of this, and want to stay in touch with what's going on, so I find this useful in that case, but find it's not so much directed at those recently qualified and not working in traditional library roles.  This may change as more members join, as it's user led which is a great thing.

CILIP communities
Again, I want to keep in touch with what's  happening, and so find this really useful.  I've also used the CILIP site a lot during my chartership, as it has loads of information - not the most easily navigated site I've ever seen, though. 

That actually about sums up my online networking.  There's loads of stuff out there, and I think a key thing is to choose and use what works for you, rather than trying to be on everything.  I've yet to see Google+but I'm interested to hear what those people who are using it already think, and how it compares with the other networks out there. 

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Reflection - Thing 5 (cpd 23 Things)

I've recently tried to incorporate more reflection in my everyday working life. I began this before joining in with the 23 things, as I wanted to create more ways to incorporate cpd in my work, and it was also something I began doing when I started my chartership a little while ago. I've written before about how difficult I find chartering whilst not working in a traditional library role, and being more reflective I hoped would help me with this. I think it has- certainly in this situation a little creativity is needed when it comes to developing ideas and skills.

I'm hoping that this blog will help me take reflection one stage further and perhaps help me get some feedback from others who are beginning the reflective process or are undertaking this process in a non-traditional role. do we have to be that little bit more reflective if we are taking a non-traditional path? I also think that reflection is vital if, like myself, you don't work with other librarians. The simple act of bouncing ideas and thoughts off colleagues doing similar roles can be very useful, and a lone worker will miss this often taken for granted part of work. So, we have to find ways of replacing this 'bouncing ideas' activity - enter the blog!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Personal brand - Thing 3 (cpd 23 Things)

Interesting one, this. To be honest, I don't want to be branded. That's what happens to drinks and sportswear. However I do of course see the benefits on having a recognisable online presence. I think this is a personal area, also. It depends on how much self promotion you're really comfortable with, and I'm not comfortable with that much, but I know I 'should' make an effort in the sense it's good for your career, etc., etc.

In my role at the moment, events and conferences are not available to me due to my work training priorities (my employer is not going to spend money on my cpd as a librarian when I am employed as a researcher), and I spend much of my time working alone. Therefore, you might argue, online presence is even more important. Well, yes and no. I guess I'm just rebelling against the ubiquitous need for personal branding. I want to allow for some spontaneity, and new ideas. I'm not sure that I really like the amount of personal detail available on the web about us either.

I've read some other blogs and comments about this, and I go with the 'profersional' approach: I am consciously creating blend of professional and personal which goes with the ethos of the blog I've just created. We all have separate areas of life, and some of keep these more separate than others, but for me my librarianship training had a lot of personal elements to it, and I wanted to keep my - somewhat tenuous- links to librarianship that way.

Having said that, there are some areas of my online presence that I recognise do need sharpening up. I need to link up my blog, twitter account and linked in account (mortal sin) and make my blog posts a bit more visible. I need to work on my blog 'look'- at the moment I use a template, and would like something a bit more personal. These are things I can do over time, and are going on my to do list. However, I'm still going to retain that bit of

Current awareness - Thing 4 (cpd 23 Things)

Gosh, I actually almost feel like a proper librarian. I already use twitter and rss feeds (probably far too many of them). That leaves pushnote, which I hadn't heard of until today, so I duly went over and signed up. Then wondered what was supposed to happen. Ah, I've got to wait for some stars to turn a different colour, and play about with some websites. Sounds good. Will be doing that at an opportune moment. There's a slight drawback in that IE is used at work, so I can't use it there, but I'm sure I'll cope by using my trusty iPad (which I saw absolutely no need for when my other half returned home with one he'd accidentally bought, but which now I use all the time. In fact I'm using it now.)

Wuld be interested to see how useful other people find pushnote.

Monday, 27 June 2011

Getting to know fellow bloggers- Thing 2 ( cpd 23 Things)

So I'm a bit behind already. I knew it would happen. I am now getting to know my fellow bloggers- actually I've been following a few for quite a while, but I'm one of those breeds who doesn't normally comment unless I'm driven by outrage, laughter or some other emotion. I must be really late to the game as it's only recently that I learned you're actually supposed to comment on everything you read (how is that possible? - I do need to sleep sometime you know). So the message I'm getting is I really ought to try harder.

Now, I don't want you to think that my apathy towards the online world is a symptom of uninterestedness. On the contrary, as implied earlier, I'm so busy reading, being nosy and thinking that I just don't normally have time to comment as well. So what's the answer? I'm still working on that one. Be less nosy? If anyone has any tips for being more active online in not much time at all I would be all ears (or all eyes).

And thank you for the comments about waiting to see some photos...just as soon as I find some time...

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

cpd 23 - and a new blog

This is my first foray into the world of blogging.  It was not a lightly considerd one: I had actually decided not to have a blog at all - there are more than enough people out there blogging already, and many of them blogging about libraries and doing it well.  So I thought another one was not needed.  And, I always considered it slightly vain (sorry everyone). 

However, I have been persuaded by the new cpd 23 Things 2011.  I do not have a traditional library job, and I also work on my own: I don't have access to conferences or training days for librarians.  So it's kinda difficult to find ways of developing yourself and your role with only your computer and desk at your disposal.  I had to be creative, and I'm still finding ways of doing that.  So, this is part of my reflection process, and I hope in doing that I will develop my thoughts and skills along the way. 

I also wanted to make this blog more encompassing than librarianship.  For me, librarianship is linked to my love of reading (yes, I know that librarianship is about way more than this, but why shouldn't it be about books as well?), books in general, connecting people to books and information, and also about sharing - that's where the photography comes in.  Mainly, I just love beautiful images, but photography is also about sharing ideas, moments, infomation, and a little bit of beauty. 

Hope to meet you along the way!